Sunday, September 7, 2008

I'm finally in Thailand!!!!

After about 35 hours of sitting in airports and on planes, I arrived in Phuket! It was awesome flying in over all the little islands surrounded by crystal clear blue water. The short 3 hour trip to Phuket from Hong Kong was pretty sweet, because of all the unrest in Bangkok lots of people cancelled their flights so there were about 50 people on a huge plane meant for 300 or more people so I just layed out across a row of 5 seats, it was great. The flight attendants were serving me wine and offering me shots of vodka the whole time... I knew that I was way out of the hands of the U.S.A. Right after I got off the plane and got settle at the place that I am going to be stay, I rode a bike down to the beach, which is about 2 minutes from the house and jumped in the ocean, it was like bath water and so clear. I just laughed and splashed around, now that was true happiness. The house that I am staying at is tucked away, and surrounded by big jungle plant and trees the sounds of the critters get to be pretty loud at night. The surf is really nice at the beach right down from the house, it is sandy bottom. There is also snorkeling a little down from that beach and an island that you can kayak to that has some good snorkeling as well. I am going to go and enjoy all that I have just shared with you to feist your minds on. Thanks for all the little messages that was really nice to see that so many people are thinking about me. Oh yeah, I think I'm going to go get a massage now.


Common Tater said...

Hi Arielle,

I looked at the web news site in your area. It looks as if you will have a stormy day with lots of rain and some flooding.

Since Grandpa and I just spent Saturday getting ready for TS Hanna; and, then yesterday, cleaning up and putting away all of the hurricane and TS "stuff", I know about stormy weather. It sounds as if you may have lots of rain and other tropical weather while you are in Thailand.

I think it is nice that you have so many beautiful places to explore. PLEASE, consider going with one of your room mates or someone they know until you get used to the area. Especially if it is a water sport like swimming or kayaking.

Grandma Kathy

Common Tater said...


I talked with my sister, Roberta (Bert) this morning. She lived in Singapore for ten years; and, traveled frequently to Thailand. She said she still knows people in Thailand; and, she plans to send you a blog soon.

I bet she will have a lot of good information on things to see and do.

I checked the time difference; and, Thailand is eleven hours ahead of Rocky Point, NC. That means you are (hopefully) sleeping as I type away.

Grandpa went off to Home Depot (old men's favorite store!); and, the doggies and I are taking it easy.

It is too hot and humid to be outdoors today; and, we are inside with the AC on and the ceiling fans whirling away.

How do you keep cool? I imagine there isn't AC; so, you must have ceiling fans to circulate the air. Bert told me it is very humid in Thailand!

Michelle, Andy, and Kaila (and???) said...

Hey punk, awesome, I think I am going to have to get used to being envious. There is going to be a whole year of this. Did you have to end with the bragging about a massage? I am going for a massage next Tuesday. Sis made me! Love ya Mom

Common Tater said...

Good Morning Arielle. Grandma just staggered out of bed; and, I'm sipping my first cup of coffee.

I like your messages on this blog; so, keep them coming.

This is my first blog. I am making comments in your latest entry; and, I noticed Sam and Bella are still commenting on the first entry? Am I blog "correct"?

With all of the daily moisture in Thailand, you may have webbed feet when you get home--all the better to surf and swim.