Monday, March 16, 2009

Traveling with my Amazing daughter!!!!

Wow, I am on a constant high, trying to figure out how to never let it end. How can I work it out so that I can do this forever. So many places yet to see, and here I am seeing Malaysia, incredible! This trip so far has been a dream, only thought of two short months ago, I still feel like I have to pinch myself to see if it is real. We have lived a lifetime in one short week. Arielle and I go until we can barely say good night at the end of the day. It is so beautiful here. My body has touched the warm ocean once again, and yearns for more. I have spent hours talking to my 18 year old daughter about anything and everything. The smells, the sounds, the sights of another culture intrigue me beyond belief, I walk in awe most places we go.
What new adventures are in store, only time will tell...


Unknown said...

Thank you, thank you for the new photos. I will no longer hear "rain drops falling on my head" all day.

A really beautiful area of the World.

Michelle, you should be using sunscreen.

Grandma Kathy

Unknown said...

Wow, I'm jealous of you two! I want to do this too!!!! :-o Have a GREAT Time! :-D

Monica said...

What a great experience! I am so happy you get to share it together. Daughters are so special. Give yours a big kiss from all of us Michelle.

rlambrn said...

WOW! Michelle, you look 20 years younger in these pics, you 2 are so beautiful :) I've been thinking about you alot, wondering how much fun you're havin. I finally got to sit down and check the blog spot, so glad Idid. I'll be dreaming of green jungles and beautiful oceans tonight....what did you see when you were snorkeling? LOve you! love bec

rlambrn said...

Ariellee, you are livin right! I love you and so glad your mama's there enjoying livin good life with you, gma's right about the sunscreen, but it doesnt look like you 2 have too many worries......thanks for sharing your adventures on this blog spot, I love the pics! BE safe!
luv bec

Unknown said...

It's time for an update on your blog; and, of course, some new photos, too.

In the photo with you up to your knees in mud, your expression says it all: EWEEEEEEEE

Grandma Kathy

hi said...

your daughter is the most beautiful woman i've ever seen. may i know her?

charlie :)