Sunday, November 2, 2008

4000 Islands, and crossing the border to Vietnam

I have had a lot of interesting experiences on my way to different destinations. I some how keep ending up the only tourist and the only person speaking english every where I go. When I was going to 4000 Islands, I found myself on a Tuk Tuk crammed full with locals that couldn't stop starrig at me and my stuff. During the duration of the ride, (about 3 hours) people were getting on and off. One guy that got on was openly holding an ak47, which was quite shocking. I also saw lots of weird food like live crickets in a bag and roasted on a stick. Everytime we stopped locals would rush up to the tuk tuk and try to sell us whole chickens roasted and smashed on a stick. So far on my trip I haven't really mingled with the locals all that much... I've always known how different our lifestyles are, but never to this extent. It really opened my eyes to how much stuff I have, when I got out my zune to listen to some music, all of their eyes widened as if they had seen a pile of gold sitting right in front of them. I feel ridiculous saying that I just realized this now, but I am so fortunate! It's always been clear to me that I have it good, but lets just say that traveling has changed my out look on things a lot. While I was at 4000 Islands, I went a little nutso from too much of nothing. My travel buddy at the time was extremely mellow/boring I couldn't take it. The Island consisted of dirt paths and a few restaurants, there was no body to talk to, and everytime I came back to my geust house to see what my friend was up to the book would be over her face and she would be passed out in the hammock once again. I talked to some of the locals who could speak english, and I was blown away at their reality. Some of them have never even left this tiny little island. I don't think that boredom is a concept for them, because they all just sit around all day, occasionally going out on a little boat to check their fishing net or taking their bamboo fishing poles out for an afternoon. These people I'm telling you, they are so content with such simple lives. I need so much stimulation compared to them. In the evenings we would sit around candle light and play cards. We shared a few happy shakes which helped with the boredom factor. ha ha. After 2 nights, I had to get out of there. I left in the morning to go back to Pakse where I would catch a bus to Vietnam. I didn't realize that not a single tourist goes to Vietnam from Pakse. Crossing the border was absolute hell. I geuss it could have been a lot worse, but it was pretty miserable. The journey to vietnam started 2 nights ago and I am just now in Vietnam. And once again, I am the only white person in the whole town besides this 55 year old guy from Holland. He's nice but I felt so weird hanging out with an old man. I hadn't talked to anybody in like 30 hours and I was so happy to find somebody that I could communicate with. So I get on the bus, thinking this isn't going to be that bad.... until they start cramming refrigerators, fans, fruit, and lot of other stuff in between seats. Then the people started getting on, by the time everyone was on my knees were in my chin and we were off. 12 hours crammed in between a bunch of people speaking all kinds of weird languages. Everytime I tried to ask a question they would all mock me and laugh. Not a single person could even come close to having a conversation with me. We finally made it to the border and I managed to get a little sleep in, it was about 1 am at this point. So they pull the bus over and I think oh good we're going to get this border crossing over with... oh no they tell us that we have to sleep on the bus until the border opens at 7! I curled up in my seat with all these peoples legs and arms laying over me. Luckily the time passed farely quickly. When I woke up everybody was in my face about visas, passports and money that I had to pay them. They couldn't understand me and I couldn't understand them. It just turned into one big frustration, I realized later that they were trying to scam me. Take my passport and get it stamped for me so that I would have to pay them a lot of money for doing it for me. Ok it's a really long story basically it was really stressful and I had to make my way with out anyone to answer any questions. But hey, I am such a stronger person after that. I'm really bummed out about how disrespectful the vietnamese men are towards me, right in front of my face they will make gestures at my breasts and take pictures of me. Anyways, I should probably end my story here so that I don't begin to bore anyone. I also kind of want to get off the computer because there is this kid next to me looking up some pretty ranchy porn and it's quite awkward. Sorry grandmas I'm not trying to offend anyone here. ahaha.


Common Tater said...

Vietnam is one country where you should be traveling with a group of people. Where there is extreme poverty, there is crime; especially against foreigners. Also, a young woman traveling along will be an easy target.

It has not been that long ago that Americans destroyed Vietnam; and, if I were them, I would have negative feeling (anger) towards "us" (whatever slang word is now used).

If there is an American Embassy, please check in (register). If for no other reason, then to let them know you are traveling in Vietnam.

As you have already noticed, this is not a popular tourist area. There is a reason why this Country is not a travel destination.

I don't know if you have definite plans; or, you were going to "bump" along on buses: however, please consider going to areas that would have more tourists than one old Dutch man.

Grandma Kathy

Unknown said...

Ok, first of all, when you called in the a.m. i was in bed and mom was going crazy looking for the phone becase her motherly intuition told her you were calling. Right away i could tell you were telling a good story from all the sounds mom made as you spoke. Sure enough when she gets back to bed you crazy story gets relayed to me and i almost have a heart attack! Arielle!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was so worried about you going to Vietnam on some random bus and your story of passport harrassment and crazy people piled high in one bus was very intense! I love you so much and i want you to know that i am always thinking of you and hoping you are make smart safe decisions. I am so proud of you though, i never knew you were so brave and strong and i am just really really impressed! Anyway, just for the record i do not want any scary adventures when i come, but i promise to be brave tooo!! I love you so much and i can't wait to see you in one short month!!!!
Ok, well, keep having so much fun!!!I love you, Love your sister, Samantha

Michelle, Andy, and Kaila (and???) said...

Arielle- I am here visiting your mom for halloween and lorin's blessing and your presence is so missed. i kept thinking you were standing around...and then here you are making yourself well known with your travels. you are living an amazing life right now and writing a memorable biography. You are creating your own most authentic person and to be one natures best beings.

gma said...

Dear Arielle:

You need to make your way to other areas of Vietnam- they country is very beautiful and I think that you will find people more welcoming in the "tourist" areas. Grandma Kathy has the right idea about registering with the embassy if you are able to do so. They can also give you more info about where to go- check out your lonely planet guide.

I hate to think of you frustrated and concerned but you handled it well and it has added something to your character. Whenever you travel the missteps bring something into your life that you might have missed. I hear in your writing that you are absorbing all these things along the way.

Just a few more weeks before Sam joins you for more "traditional" sightsseing activities. I always love traveling with my sister because we bring so much of our childhood along with us and share new things with the perspective of our past. Away from the rest of the family and everyday concerns we are able to deepen our bonds to one another through shared experiences-there are fewer "sister times" as you grow older and have jobs and families of your own- treasure this opportunity.

Feel good, stay healthy and safe and know how much we love you.
